So much excitement this week. After what seemed like a hopeless search for an apartment, a gem appears on craigslist. Also exciting dogs are allowed. For those of you who may not know Stacy and I were accepting the fact that we may have to find a new home for our puppies Joshua and Josie. Stacy was incredibly upset at the very thought of this and seeing how important it was to here I decided it was necessary that the dogs come if possib
Apart of us is really nervous because we will never see the apartment first hand until we have the keys but I guess that also adds a bit more excitement to the journey of moving to Chicago. I am really excited about going back to school. I hope my classes are awesome and interesting because I think we all know what my track record at school looks like. If a class doesn't keep my attention it rarely keeps me. AHHH I forgot also the same day we found out about the apartment we both were placed at new STARBUCKS stores in Chicago. I am very excited to move down to lowly barista while in school although I will miss the pay. Anyways I will be at a store on the corner of Greenview and some other road I forget... and Stacy if she takes it will be a few blocks away. Our stores will be in the Lakeview neighborhood/area of Chicago. I am going to miss my peeps here but it just so hard to not be excited/anxious/ and flat out ready to move on. Today was my breaking point at work. I just stopped caring, I am ready to move on. To move to CHI town and onto the next phaase of life with Stac. I can't wait until we get settled there buy some bikes ride them to the local farmers market and just explore the city. IT IS GOING TO BE CRAZY AWESOME. I will miss the mountains and the ocean...tears, but I will be living on the third coast(Lake Michigan). We'll see..anyways I hope y'all stay tuned in for the next phase because I'm sure it will be exciting and there will definitey be some stories to tell in the next coming months pray for Stacy and I as we ambark on this journey and also that we can have as awesome of a second year of marriage as our first was. Our 1 year anniversary is next week. We are going away for the weekend it should be fun. Thanks for reading.
The Hobans via Ryan
Haha i stalked your blog! HOLY CRAP Ryan your new apartment looks AMAZING and I'm so flippin jealous!!! But also extremely happy for you guys! Good luck with everything, man and stay in touch with all of us back in the 'Boro.
I'm so sad for you guys to move, but I know that it is for the best. I wish you two the best (and I won't say my goodbyes here!). Congrats on the one year anniversary, you guys are great together. Maybe I will come crash on your chi-town couch someday. The apartment looks great by the way!